In recent years, South America has seen a dramatic shift in its economic and geopolitical allegiances, leaving the United States in an increasingly precarious...
As the Russia-Ukraine war rages on, the stakes for global security continue to rise. Moscow’s recent missile strikes and strengthening alliances with regimes like...
The Strategic Gambit: Putin, North Korea, and the Annexation of Poland’s Seaports
In a chilling scenario of geopolitical realignment, imagine a world where Russia, with...
In the years since Donald Trump burst onto the political scene, his views and actions towards women have been a subject of controversy, condemnation,...
The United States has long been a global leader, its influence bolstered by carefully selected representatives who bring expertise, diplomacy, and a firm grasp...
Against the Use of “Deus Vult” in Modern America: A British Perspective on Theocratic Threats to Democracy
As a British woman observing American politics, I...
In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, few figures have garnered as much attention—or controversy—as Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida. His bold moves and...